What a wonderful Christmas. Everything turned out how it was needed to be and having Christmas with my mom later wasn't as bad and hurtful as I thought it might. Next year though I do still expect to make her a priority. That did hurt my feelings and that's how it is. It was maybe my best Christmas in a very, very long time... Maybe as far back as when my brother and Granny was alive. Lucas got spoiled. I got spoiled, as did Mike. Really without all the gifts it would have still been perfect. Jesus is the reason for All seasons.
I went out last night, trying to help a coworker and be there for her, she'd had a really rough Christmas with her family so she wanted to go out. I was up for getting out of the house, didn't expect to drink as much as I did, so I took the car. Turns out I made other friends (and she just did her own thing... which was really disappointing because I wanted a girls night). Matt Rissi (DJ Sonar) was at Bricks and it was nice to be around that, it's been a long time. So anyway, things didn't go the way I expected and all of a sudden all the cabs are taken and then I thought I lost my keys (no I wasn't going to drive) so I started to walk and my phone was completely dead and no one was around but then I found people with phones and had Mike come get me. I knew he was disappointed in me, but he got over it fast. I've decided that I need to slow it down a bit - he doesn't mind me getting out of the house, even without him, but we just need to watch money, and not put myself in a situation of not being able to get home (granite we live like a 30 minute walk). So lesson learned. I'm still just trying to figure this whole thing out. I don't go out next until the 8th, in which I do expect a girls night - but I know from experience that scene doesn't make me happy but what does is my man and my lil boy.
So that's really about. Just a great Christmas and I'm very grateful for our life all together and things may get rough but I know we can get through anything - we have an amazing support system; our family.
Found out that the HD camera from Canon that I want is like $1,100. But I don't mind saving and waiting. I also want to get different edited software (sony vegas upgrade) but not until the camera comes along. I got a break maker, 3 Crockpots (going to take one back) and a lot more but those things I really wanted. I need to start cooking for my family. So I also got cookbooks :)
God has blessed us.
Start the new year we're going to be doing devotionals together.
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