So it's another snow day. Reports are showing that it's snowed 11.5 inches in the last two days. Crazy. People can't go to work, like Mike, crashing cars, can't get out of their homes... Crazy. Thankfully Mike is a good driver through the snow and smart. He got out today to buy shoves as well as help our friend Heather (who's kids we've been watching) get to work and back. He shoved as I watched the kids and cleaned the house. I've been quiet motivated today. I got some laundry done today, organizing, kitchen cleaned, living room/den and Lucas' room cleaned. There's a lot that needs to be organized still downstairs - my computer desk being one thing! Upstairs is another story. There's still things in boxes and clothes need to be put away in the right places. For now my sewing machine is downstairs on the kitchen table. I've got to wash some fabrics to get ready to sew some pj pants for Christmas gifts. The boys have stayed behaved except for Riley not wanting to eat, Mike took care of that though. I cannot believe as I'm posting this it's only 5pm, from outside it looks to be 7 or 8pm. Oh, we have "pre"marital counciling to go to tonight - not sure if they will have it though, need to find out. It's hard to go to that since it seems like we've already been through it all. Lucas has been very happy today. He is really enjoying his toys. He's been growling quiet a bit and just making a racket! I love that little boy - he is so sweet. He's learning to hold his arms out as we come to pick him up. He likes studying our faces, touching them, grabbing, clawing them... Ouch. But our home is staying warm and we are happy - though I really want to get out of the house. Oh well. Snow Days.
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