So the reason I haven't really written is because I'm pregnant and though like my last pregnancy was hard through the first trimester, this one seemed to be different (like feeling sick, unmotivated, a bit more moodier) so I just didn't feel like writing and thought maybe it'd be best not to. We found out Jan 1st of this year and the baby should be due around August 30th, 2010. We're very excited. It was what we'd planned for but what would life be without some curve-balls? It's all how you deal with it that can make a matter good or bad - but when speaking of children it's never a case of bad. Children are truly a gift from God.
We have yet to go to church, being pregnant and tired hadn't helped. Been even more unmotivated since Mike isn't stepping up, but I suppose he's doing enough already, right? He has quit smoking cigarretts but not cigars, he's easing off those (hopefully). The smell doesn't bother me that much - but I'm not going to tell him that. It's saving us lots of money not smoking and after I'm pregnant it'd be nice not to be tempted every day by him smoking so I'm keeping my mouth shut! So that's an accomplishment.
I had a small Passion Party here at my house so Mike and I got the house in order - finally! Then he went off to Des Moines for school for a week. I haven't really touched a thing -- considering if you only live with yourself and baby and pick things up after yourself it shouldn't look like a mess. Hmm...
I've really enjoyed my time here alone with Lucas. I haven't really had internet at the house since my computer had a virus (now it doesn't, yay!). So I had to resort to other things... Like reading. Last time being pregnant I bought this book by Jodi Picoult (I had liked the other book I'd read The Pact) and called Mercy. It's about a man who kills his wife because she was suffering from cancer. It's all about love and judgment and trail, etc. Excellent book. Yesterday I stayed up til 2am reading it, having read 100 pages yesterday. It's been really making me think of the love relationship with Mike and I. Prayed about it and ended up in tears - but it was a good thing, there's nothing wrong with really expressing yourself to the One who made you! An amazing feeling... I've missed it. Think I can help my marriage progress through the little insights He game me through that prayer.
So anyway, Lucas and I have just been up in his room, him playing, me reading and he's getting such a character to him! I love that kid with all my heart. I thought he swallowed something and was choking and I just freaked and almost went to the hospital but he was okay. I think he knows when I ignore him so he tries to get my attention, that little rascal! Gotta love him though!
So that's my update. I haven't gone to the doctor, wont until a couple more weeks, otherwise it's a wasted visit, all they're going to tell me is "oh your pregnant" and then I'm gonna be like "no, duh!" and then they're going to charge me $40 just for that. So no, I'll wait thank you! Mike comes home on Friday and I now have to wake Lucas up from his nap (I should have been naping too) and go to the bank so we can pay bills etc. yay! being a grown up is soo much fun, sometimes.. :)
I love books! It's good to hear from you! I need to find your phone #! I'd love to talk to you! Love you!