Current Music: Lifehouse - Smoke & Mirrors Album
Current Mood: Motivated to Clean but Writing this instead...
So, life has been good lately. There's those ups and downs. I've regained my strength and such from my 1st trimester. So happy to be out of that... For the last week or so, Lucas, Mike and I have been sick - Lucas and I longer... But we're slowly getting over that and I finally got the doctor to give Lucas something for it today. So yay! Mike is working, which is wonderful. I've had pregnancy brain, well, ever since I found out basicly. Which means I forget things, easily. Anyway, I'll start more in detail.
Now it's just accepting that I'm back into maternity clothes, right when I just got out of them and could fit into my old pants. But I figure now that I have a sewing machine and way extra time on my hands, I think I can motivate myself to start sewing with my machine and making my own clothes. Way cheaper than buying them! Who knows, maybe try to start my own business selling stuff I sew... I had to quit / put aside waitresing because it was beginning to feel like I was 7 months pregnant working instead of only 10-15 weeks. It was hurting so bad that by the time I started to relax, my body just cramped up and I couldn't move and when i did, I was in tears. That really took down my pride because I felt - well still kinda feel - that I'm failing myself, and somewhat Mike and the whole money situation. Mostly myself, because I know Mike doesn't see it that way at all - he's all supportive. But this was really my only way out of the house, social time, not baby time... Something I knew I was good at and had fun doing it and now I can't do it because my body gives out and tells me it's too much. That just hurts but the last couple weeks I haven't thought too much about it and just accepted it. I'll miss it. Just more time to practice sewing? Be with Lucas... etc. Other than that my morning sickness is gone. I've felt good (besides being sick). I've been having new cravings... Last pregnancy I was craving rootbeer... but this time I'm just in love with rootbeer floats - so that's always in the fridge. Oh, and chocolate cake with frosting, which we just made, yumm! Cotton Candy, Strawberry smoothies, Crab/Lobster. A lot of things NOT good for me, so I don't indulge all of them :) Sometimes I'm more concerned about Mike because he eats more than me, sweets, and last time he blamed me for his "sympathy weight." Well not this time buddy, so now I'm actually making him aware of what he's eating. What else... Oh, I'm not as big or weigh as much as I did with Lucas. I actually lost 5 lbs and kept it off for a good 5-10 weeks. I'm just beginning to gain weight, which is good, because I was beginning to get concerned. I guess the upset stomach just never helped earlier so i didn't eat as much. But boy do I love flinstones vitamines :)
Oh, he's soo big! Today we went to the doctor and he was 32 inches and 25 lbs. he's still in 18 month pants and 24mo/2T shirts. But he is healthy, he's just always been big. He is at such an awesome age right now. You can literally watch him learn and repeat it back to you. He's learned that he can close/open doors, and he's beginning to walk along the couch really good and crawl fast. He learned he can control his tounge and make different noises - so darling! He knows how to climb the stairs, but doesn't get much chances to because we don't want to encourage it exactly because he can't go down yet. We got on state papers so at least now even if Mike doesn't have insurance, Lucas and I do. That's important. Let's see... He's always been a happy baby, never too clingy to us, so he smiles and goes to anyone. Still sleeps through the night, sometimes fights his naps but who can blame him! We finally got him on a good bedtime again after Christmas. He now goes to bed at 10pm and wakes between 8-10am. But then he eats and takes another nap.
Has cut down smoking... I'm not sure if it was because I got sick or what, but his cigars just really began to give me the worst headache ever! And it finally got to a point where in the evening if he went outside, I had to leave the room totally until it went away which, was basicly all night. And after he realized how much it was hurting me and that I was sticking to it, he began to cut down even more. To maybe a few drags a night (at one time). So that, has been a relief! And it's not like I'm only doing this for me, but for him to play his PS3 and us to save money, be heathier, etc. So I've been much happier. And lately he hasn't been gaming as much, so that's been nice. Since Lucas is more fun to really play with, chasing, etc. Mike's been playing more with him and being around us. Occassionally there's times where I just struggle with this thing called marriage, but, I think knowing that we're married keeps my thoughts collective. I don't know if I could do this any longer not being married. So that's a blessing. Life together with child, etc. was truly made for marriage, to be together as partners and know we're in it together! God does know best! But Mike still finds it difficult - or too comfortable to get out of bed on Sundays to go to church. This has really hurt my spirit and instead of being stubborn and going without him, I'm just depressed and dont go. Later regretting it, knowing I had the chance. Being sick hasn't helped either. So yeah... Talked to his mom about it and she said "just go without him, he will follow later." I hope so. I pray about it.
So that's the update. I finally booked a doctor's visit for the pregnancy but the one tomorrow is just to get a family history, etc. I should be turning 15 weeks this week, not sure what day, but I'm excited. I'm tempted to get this product to tell what the sex is earlier - pretty effective but it's like $30 and I just don't have that money right now. We got to handle our money better, I'd rather do other things with that. So I guess I'll wait like 5-6 more weeks until an ultrasound! So excited! And this weather - Yes! Loved the sunshine (besides today) and it's melted snow and ice and yay!!! no more winter coat (for now!).
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